Friday, June 17, 2011

Search info for Saturday, June 18

Even though searches were cut short Friday night due to bad weather, we still plan on searching Saturday. PLEASE COME IF YOU CAN! #FINDLAUREN. Always feel free to call prior if you are still questioning if anything has changed. (812) 855-5304.

New search center location and format: 

SEARCH CENTER:  New location to search is McNutt Quadrangle Center
Located 1101 N. Fee Lane, off 17th Street
Parking is off Walnut Grove St. (at rear of building)
Search center phone number is (812) 855-5304

Anyone can participate in the field searches, if they:
 Are 18 years of age or older.
 Show up appropriately dressed in pants and close-toed shoes (Boots/tennis shoes, etc).
 No use of cell phones or taking photos while searching.
 Physically able to walk through rough terrain.
 Searches will start at 8 a.m. and you can show up at anytime during the day. However, you must show up no later than 5:40 p.m. to go on the final group search at 6 p.m. 

INFORMATION CENTER:  The Smallwood information center will remain open.
• The center will be open from 11 a.m. until 7 p.m. 
• Feel free to stop by and talk with someone about how you can help.
• Posters and flyers are available for distribution if you stop at this center.

We NEED volunteers, so please consider building a team and coming to help #FindLauren.