Monday, June 20, 2011

Important information for Monday, June 20

It was announced at this morning's press brief that the white truck in question is no longer being considered related to the case: Truck no longer considered in Spierer case.

Also, the BPD announced that press briefs will only be on Wednesday and Friday this week. Robert Spierer said that the Smallwood Center is now closed and they continue to look for a volunteer base. All volunteers should report to or contact the McNutt Center.

All searches will leave from The McNutt Center on the IU Campus at the Find Lauren Search Center from 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. 

Volunteers are needed!
SEARCH CENTER:  McNutt Quadrangle Center
Located 1101 N. Fee Lane, off 17th Street
Parking is off Walnut Grove St. (at rear of building)
Search center phone number is (812) 855-5304

Anyone can participate in the field searches, if they:
 Are 18 years of age or older.
 Show up appropriately dressed in pants and close-toed shoes (Boots/tennis shoes, etc).
 No use of cell phones or taking photos while searching.
 Physically able to walk through rough terrain.
 Searches will start at 8 a.m. and you can show up at anytime during the day. 
@NewsOnLaurenS also put out a call to all Bloggers (regardless of your location). If you are interested in helping #FindLauren through your blog, drop us an email: